
Welcome to StarMummies! 


Our mission is inspired by the quote by Cardinal Mermillod: "A mother is she who can take the place of all others but whose place no one else can take." We believe that every Mother is a star, and our competition celebrates the unique personalities, grace, and charm of our Super Mummies through the power of photography. Visit our website,, to join our community of super mums and showcase yourself


Our website,, hosts photo contests for Mummies Of all ages. The winners are determined by public vote on our website and each ballot costs ₦50, which can be conveniently paid through our secure online payment channels such as Flutterwave, Paystack, and Paypal.


Registration is simple and free. Capture Your beautiful moments And register with your names, ages, nationalities And contact information on our website.


At Starmummies, we place great importance on the security of your personal information and payments. All photos submitted to our website will be used solely for the competition's purposes, and we guarantee that none of your images will be sold. Occasionally, we may share some of the submitted images on our various social media platforms.

We hope this information provides clarity, and we invite you to join us at for a chance to showcase you As Our Star Mum And potentially win amazing prizes.